Here's and interesting piece written by Steve Coipa. I hope it helps, many persons like me, dispel the myths we hold about websites and emails.
Why I Advice Clients to Switch to Google’s Web and Email Hosting Services. By Steve Coipa
Having a basic information disseminating presence on the Internet through a website and using email for communications has now become an integral part of business life.
In spite of this however, many company executives are still stuck in the “its my Website” illusion. I’m often asked why I chose to host my own firms website and emails with Google and not with some web-hosting and email service.
Yes. I do advise all my clients to establish their websites and emails through Google. No. I don’t own any shares in Google.
Yes. I do advise all my clients to establish their websites and emails through Google. No. I don’t own any shares in Google.
Before offering my reasons, let me admit that my do clients ask me "Why Google" as if it’s somehow inferior to hosting with some bucket shop of a web and email hosting service.
First, let’s deal with just three popular myths that many otherwise smart corporate ‘C’ level executives have about websites, emails and hosting services.
Myth Number One: When they register a website they believe that they are the exclusive owners of it.
The Reality: You only get the exclusive right to use the name of the website for as long as your registration fees remains valid. If you don’t believe me try not renewing your registration.
Myth Number Two: My local hosting service will provide me with quality service and several emails with a soandsoat mywebsitenamedotcom and this sounds great because everyone will know that I own the website and the associated emails.
The Reality: Most local web-hosting services are small under capitalized outfits that operate from bandwidth leased from the big local telecos – and don’t we all know the quality of service these telecos provide.
The emails provided to you by the hosting company are usually tied in to their web-hosting service – which means that if you terminate the service and move hosting elsewhere you can kiss your emails goodby. Of course you can purchase your own email server but you’ll still have to host it somewhere and link it to your website. Moving that will be a nightmare requiring a host of experts.
As for people thinking your email sounds great and genuine – well it’s only those ignorant of the reality. After reading this article there may be fewer left in this world.
Myth Number Three: Downtime, Phishing, hacking and similar frauds and problems cannot easily be perpetuated on my own websites and email because my hosting service tells me that they have the latest software tools.
The Reality: None of your local or even international hosting services can come anywhere near the huge investments constantly made by companies like Google in integrity-of-service and protective hardware and software. If you really expect under capitalized web and email hosting services, that have to survive on your monthly hosting service payments, to invest more than Google in the latest hardware and software, you’ve really got to be kidding. No way.
Thnik I'm shhting mumouth off. Well read what the experts at Info Security Magazine have to say.
Thnik I'm shhting mumouth off. Well read what the experts at Info Security Magazine have to say.
Now let’s see what I can get by hosting my website and emails with Google Business.
Users: More than 2,000,000 businesses worldwide currently use Google with more and more coming on board daily.
Cost Saving: Google's web-based applications require no hardware or software – a big saving in your own IT staff (sorry guys).
No Downtime: Google guarantees 99.9% up-time reliability. I know this to be true as far as my own and my clients’ websites and emails are concerned.
Storage: Fifty times more storage than the industry average i.e. 25GB of email storage per employee. Check out what your so called host is offering you and how much it costs.
Best Security: When Google, with a market cap of more than US$149.89 Billion, says its network is designed from the ground up with security in mind, I tend to believe it compared to what some under capitalized outfit says.
Problem Free: While nothing man made is ever impenetrable, Phishing, hacking and similar frauds are very much more difficult to perpetuate and sustain on websites or emails hosted with Google compared to others.
Fictitious emails can of course be set up with all services but Google is particularly vigilant and responsive to complaints and does take action – unlike most other hosting services who sell or lease their email database i.e. your email to supplement their revenues.
Google has enough revenue from other legitimate business lines. They don’t need to sell your emails. If you don’t believe me check your span emails over a week and count the number of spam mail coming from compared to others. I’ve actually done it so I know.